Welcome to Kent Van Cleave's Class Files Archive

These Class Files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com).

My Introduction to Psychology Slides are slides and lectures from past introduction to psychology classes. The files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com). Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

My Social Psychology Slides are slides and lectures from past social psychology classes. The files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com). Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

My History and Systems in Psychology Slides are slides and lectures from past History and Systems in Psychology classes. History and Systems in Psychology traces the basic tenets of psychology back to the beginnings of Western thought. To me, this is not only informative, but entertaining. The files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com). Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

My Personality Psychology Slides are slides and lectures from past theories of personality classes. The files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com). Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

My I/O Psychology, Organization Development, and Organization Theory Slides are slides and lectures from past I/O Psychology and related classes. These files range from the I (Industrial, including job design and selection testing) to the O (Organizational, from behavior in groups to organization development) in I/O psychology. I/O psychology has a surprisingly scientific basis. The files are copyright 2020, by A. Kent Van Cleave, Jr., Ph.D. They may be used for any educational purpose, royalty free. Files may not be edited by the user, or copied in any substantive manner, without permission of the author (kent.vancleave@gmail.com). Plagiarism from these files is a violation of copyright law.

Student Success Slides are files I created to foment student success.

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